Thursday, July 14, 2011

What Sucks

  • The GOP sucks. The party supports limited government and fiscal responsibility only when not in power.

  • The President does not suck.He's been dealt a hard hand by the circumstance of his presidency, he has to deal with enormous economic and global issues.For all our sakes, I hope he succeeds.

  • Harry Porter gets the thumbs up for being entertaining, both the book and movie has sustained the interest of fans all over the world since 1995, with a nice turn over too.

  • Apple (delicious) computers, definitely doesn't suck. They've got the coolest phone, coolest tablet, coolest pc. The company is in tune with the needs of their customers, even those things we don't know we need until Mr Jobs launches it.

  • I'm a believer in the good guys winning, the underdog succeeding (even if they started their training late under Master Yoda). Star Wars definitely does not suck.

  • Facebook sucks your time away. It's the ultimate time waster.

  • McDonalds sucks.That's it.

  • Go Clemson. Go Tigers.

  • Lady Gaga. Neutral

  • Talented young singer, Justin Bieber does not suck.

  • Sudoku only sucks when I can't figure it out.

  • Avatar does not suck, great movie, great box office returns.

  • Xbox 360 sucks. Leading cause of couch potato syndrome.To avoid getting the ailment, avoid the box or try Wii.

  • American Idol used to not suck, but now has the stench of an overripe tomato.

  • Glee. Umm... dunno.

  • Cigarettes sucks the life out of you. Contributes to sucking the life out of casual bystanders unfortunate to inhale the byproducts of the disgusting stick.

  • Guns. Sucks. NRA has taken gun rights to a level that defy reasoning. Yes to individual rights to bear arm, but we need checks and balances to ensure gun is not freely available to the lunatics among us

  • Abortion! Sensitive, Sensitive, Sensitive. but since this is my blog. It sucks.

  • Dressed up dog. Wish it could say, how grateful it feels to its owners for the attire. Cool.


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